Converting URL query parameters to Python dictionary

Converting URL query parameters to Python dictionary

Is there a way to parse a URL (with some python library) and return a python dictionary with the keys and values of a query parameters part of the URL?

url = ""
>>> from urllib import parse 
>>> url = "" 
>>> parse.urlsplit(url) 
SplitResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='/default.html', query='ct=32&op=92&item=98', fragment='') 
>>> parse.parse_qs(parse.urlsplit(url).query) 
{'item': ['98'], 'op': ['92'], 'ct': ['32']} 
>>> dict(parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(url).query)) 
{'item': '98', 'op': '92', 'ct': '32'}