How to remove docker image?

At first, you need to delete/stop the running container that is using your image(which one you want to remove).

  • docker ps -a: To see all the running containers in your machine.
  • docker stop <container_id>: To stop a running container.
  • docker rm <container_id>: To remove/delete a docker container(only if it stopped).
  • docker image ls: To see the list of all the available images with their tag, image id, creation time and size.
  • docker rmi <image_id>: To delete a specific image.
  • docker rmi -f <image_id>: To delete a docker image forcefully
  • docker rm -f (docker ps -a | awk '{print$1}'): To delete all the docker container available in your machine
  • docker image rm <image_name>: To delete a specific image

To remove the image, you have to remove/stop all the containers which are using it.

  • docker system prune -a: To clean the docker environment, removing all the containers and images.